disclaimer of www.magical.ch


opensource for the win


This website is based on different public ressources. It uses templates from Templated which i abused hard by ripping them apart, stuffing other scripts in them, and re-purposing the code where ever i felt it would fit. Icons are from Fontawesome. The site uses many different code libraries and resources to display charts and create other dynamic effects, such as jQuery and ChartJS. Tagclouds are done with a plugin from Goat1000, and the particles on the homepage are opensource as well, all credits go to Vincent Garreau, you can find his particle plugin here. I am currently fiddling around with image color recognition and content description tools. I found the color tools from Csongor Zalatnai and Kepler Gelotte to be quite useful. For image content recognition i'am messing around with Imagga, which offers a free API including up to 1000 API-calls per month.


API's and other remote Datasources


Finance data is obtained via Tradingview. There is no clientside datacollection happening here, not even bevavioral statistics, even thoug they would be valuable; i consider privacy in the internet too important to perform such actions. Thats why you did not have to accept cookies as you accessed this website - i protect your privacy as much as mine.


magical.ch at its core


This site ist written in PHP and uses a mySql database. Unfortunately i had to use some Javascript here and there as well - i would love getting around that language i must admit - but some things can only be done on the client side (shout out to other dev's for providing so many good knowledgebases online!). HTML and HTML5 is what PHP finally is spitting out to your browser, obviously.


about the creator of magical.ch


The designer and webmaster behind this website is a free and sovereign human being, born in Switzerland, with roots in Liechtenstein, now travelling the earth.
